Monday, April 4, 2011

The Short List--Are You Ready For Spring?

(In this picture, Ellis and Emma Walker exploring at the Walker Ranch.  It's one of my favorites, and I've named it Wyoming Summer.  It always reminds me of summers I spent at my Grandparent's House)

Everybody says they are ready for spring to be here, but I'm going to take a wild guess and say it's mostly talk.  Fortunately, our pre-spring thaw has only just begun you still have time to get it all together.  That way when spring flies by you in an instant, and summer is here, you are ready to go enjoy it.  Today I've got a check list for you, if you have any questions about items on the list, please let me know and I will go over them in more detail.

Also, I will be doing a container planting workshop and party at the Mountain View Library the first week of May.  I'm not selling anything, it's purely for fun and it will be informational too.  I will be giving away several prizes, and there will garden fresh goodies and snacks.  This will be a great event to bring a friend to.  I will be demonstrating Spaghetti Sauce in a Pot, Confetti Containers, and Thriller Spillers.  I go way beyond Petunias, and show you how to have a stylish and functional container garden.  If you've ever wondered how to beat our climate and growing conditions, this class if for you.

And Now, The List:

1.  Do you know where all your garden tools are?
2.  Is your lawn mower and other yard equipment tuned-up and ready to go?
3.  Have you got Ironite, Milorganite, a balanced spring fertilizer, and Weed Spray (24-D) ready for your lawn? (more on this Thursday in Turf Wars II)
4.  Are your beds cleaned from last year and mulched for this year?
5.  Have you made an appointment for your lawn to be aerated?
6.  Have you checked your irrigation system for missing or broken sprinkler heads, and made sure all your hoses are in good repair?
7.  Have you made a check list of the projects you need/want to get done in your yard this year?
8.  Do you know what you are planting in your garden, and do you know when you need to start seeds or purchase plants?
9.  Are all your containers emptied out and cleaned for this year?
10.  Have you sprayed for Black Vine Weevils?  These are those nasty little black things that are eating your Lilac Bushes.  A lot of people think the late summer damage is due to grasshoppers, but it's not.  A simple application of Sevin in early spring can knock these little suckers back and help your Lilacs to thrive this year.
11.  Is your grill ready to go?  Make sure all your propane bottles are in good working order and filled.
12.  Have you got your sunblock and mosquito repellent ready to go?

A couple of tips:

1.  Many nurseries (especially in Utah) will hold plants for you.  Most require that you pay for them in advance.  You get a much better selection before Mother's Day, and that way you can guarantee that you get the plants you want.  I like to go with a dark purple, red, and orange/yellow color scheme, and it can be hard to find the plants I want, so I plan and buy early.

2.  Your yard doesn't have to be perfect to be fun, so don't ever allow yourself to get discouraged.  Just keep it clean and do what you can.  I'll be sharing all kinds of gardening ideas in this blog, and I'm always here to help you find ways to make them your own.

Have a wonderful week, and please tell your friends and family about "Can You Dig It?"  As always, I'm here to answer your questions and love to hear your gardening stories, so send them in!

1 comment:

  1. That picture of my two oldest children is also my favorite. I have it on my phone as a background and in a screensaver on my computer.
